
The latest updates and improvements.

Version 1.9.1

September 16, 2024

Open Settings from Actions

Users who hide the app icon from the menu bar very often do not know how to access the settings anymore. I added a new item to the Actions menu to make it easier to access the settings right from the clipboard history window.


Alternatively, to open the settings you can press , when the clipboard history window is open.

🐞 Fixes

This update also addresses the issue when the clipboard history window position and size is not properly restored when you remove an external display and add it back.

Version 1.9.0

September 11, 2024

💎 History item details and favorite items

I continue adding the features you requested and voted for on the Roadmap page. Thank you for your feedback and the feature requests! It helps me to improve ClipBook and make your copy/paste experience more efficient and enjoyable.

This update includes the following new features and improvements:

  • View history item details such as the source app the content was copied from, content type, the number of copies, and more.
  • Mark frequently used items as favorites for quick access.
  • New toolbar in the preview panel for easy access to item-specific actions.
  • Dropdown menu with actions for the selected item in the clipboard history.
  • Email addresses identification.

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Version 1.8.2

August 30, 2024

🐞 Fixes and UI/UX enhancements

  • Skip clipboard text content if it's empty or contains only whitespace characters.
  • Use a different background color for the Actions popup to make it more distinguishable from the rest of UI.
  • Force the search bar to always has focus, so you can start searching right away.
  • Remove the Close button from the actions pane at the bottom because it's pretty obvious how to close the window.
  • Fix minor UI layout issues in the search bar.

Version 1.8.1

August 27, 2024

🐞 Fixes and improvements

This patch fixes an error when searching something that doesn't exist in the clipboard history. The only known workaround to recover from this issue was to restart ClipBook.

Version 1.8.0

August 26, 2024

💎 Ignore applications and preview colors

ClipBooks is getting better and better with every update. This update brings the most requested features to make your experience even better. You can now configure which apps should be ignored when copying. If you copy a text that represents an HTML color in different formats, it will be displayed as a color preview in the clipboard history. You can now hide the app icon from the menu bar.

In the previous versions, ClipBook would check for accessibility access and ask you to grant it only when you run the app for the first time. Now, it will also check for accessibility access when you paste content directly to other applications. If the app doesn't have the required access, it will prompt you to grant it.


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Version 1.7.0

August 19, 2024

💎 Highlighted search matches

This update includes new features and improvements to make ClipBook even better. The search matches are now highlighted in the clipboard history. You can now pause/resume ClipBook to prevent it from capturing the clipboard content. You can copy selected item to clipboard, open the link in default system browser. When you paste content to other applications, ClipBook will now clear your search query. In the settings you can configure ClipBook to automatically check for updates.


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Version 1.6.1

July 26, 2024

🐞 Fixes and improvements

  • Fixed the issue when the app doesn't scroll the clipboard history to the currently selected item.
  • Fixed broken scrolling when navigating through the clipboard history using the keyboard.